Fitness training

Fiorenzo Comotti,fitness personal trainer

Hi! I'm Fiore. Since 80s I am a fitness teacher.I learned before Karate and then Body Building and for many years I had a gym in Trezzo d'Adda, near Milano,Italy.
I love my job,it makes me feel satisfied when I work to solve problems not only physical.
Each of us is different and ask your own workout and I give this.

Video toning exercises series

Toning exercises by Fiore, fitness personal trainer.

Hi,it’s already three months that I am on the Road…I thought- I Need toning my muscles🤔,almost Always when I arrive in a Place I find something to use for my training: in the parks there are gymnastics equipment or invented like the use of a Stone or a bottle of water or if I am at home can use home stuff however also if you go to the Gym the next video exercises that I propose, you could make whenever you want and I’m sure you’ll obtain good results: 😃Remember it’s not never late to toning your muscles, it is a good idea for every age…step by step your physique Will be more toned,

Follow my videos and if you have some questione or you want a personal training write me an email: +39 3343148098

Good training!👍

Ciao, quando viaggio spesso sono seduto e sento ad un certo punto il bisogno di tonificarmi.Ho passato tanti anni ad allenare in palestra ma questi viaggi che ho intrapreso da una decina d’anni con il Van mi hanno dato una marcia in più 🙂…mi hanno portato ad allenamenti fatti con attrezzi più essenziali o meno convenzionali come un sasso o una bottiglia dell’acqua, insomma se voglio posso allenarmi in qualsiasi luogo.Con questa serie di video vi propongo degli esercizi da fare passo dopo passo,adatti a tutti, che vi faranno sentire bene, più tonici.

Seguendo i miei video se volete pormi domande o desiderate iniziare un allenamento personale scrivetemi, la mia email è: oppure whatsapp: +39 3343148098

Buon allenamento!👍


In the last ten years I used to train people on open air and at home.
It's an interesting work because the training in these cases is made with makeshift equipment as a bottle of water, a stone and so on.

The personal training job, helps better to solve workout problems creating a targeted workout.
If there is no time to go to gym, perhaps a little of laziness or simply you need more attention the personal trainer is the right idea.

workout in Silves,Portugal

This is a historical photo of my gym the Dynamic center, 1989.

Holland body builder with Fiore in the 1989.
When I was 17th Years old I had a bad accident with the car.
After out of coma my life changed.I started to make karate as a form of motor rehabilitation, then to increase muscle mass I made body building in one of the first italian gym of IFBB, Fassi Sport, Zingonia near Bergamo, taking the instructor certificate.